Phone: (309) 737-6525


Upcoming Events

Each class only $5!  (Pay the day of classes.) Seats are limited – Pre-register now!



July 27 – Lammas – Eric Friedman
Lughnasadh is here! Lammas; Loaf-Mass -- The First Harvest. Locally we can see the sweet corn stands popping up on the roadside. The days are getting shorter, but hotter. Decay begins to set in as the Sun begins its descent to the Underworld. This will be a class about the lore, lessons, and rites celebrating Lugh, the Celtic Sun god, at his peak in the course of the year. Some mention will be made of the Ancient Egyptian New Year which occurs around this time as well. We also celebrate the first harvest with a Lammas Circle in honor of John Barleycorn. Our Circle will be simple, but will also have plenty of opportunity for individual participation. Come join us!


August 3 – Poppets – Dolls with a Magical Purpose – Bezebel
Poppetry is a magickal art form that has been practiced for centuries, in a variety of different ways, all over the world. In this class, students will learn about poppet (Doll made with intention) use throughout history, as well as methods to incorporate poppet work into magical practice. The instructor, Bezebel, will be sharing her personal experiences regarding poppets & dolls, and showcasing from her personal collection.


August 10 – Basic Crystals – Phoenix Willowbloom
Crystals contain energy in connection with our Mother Earth. They can heal, protect, cleanse, restore balance, and more. In this class, you will discover how to use this energy to its fullest potential for your own healing and magickal purposes by learning the metaphysical properties of the most common gemstones and crystals. You will also be taught how to properly care for your gemstones and crystals by cleansing them of negative energies and recharging them for further use.


August 17 – Angel Magick – Eric Friedman
Angels are everywhere. They are the thoughts of God. They are both the machinery and the bureaucracy of the Universe. In this class, Eric will provide an overview of the classical literature of the Angels, and an introduction to their Magick, particularly as it relates to Astrology & Qabalah. Eric brings all of his experience with Wicca, Qabalah, and Hermetic Magick together into a single system of Angelic Invocation, unconstrained by any requirements concerning equipment & a fixed temple space. Eric has adapted Wiccan ritual back closer to its Ceremonial roots, and has developed a system of Angelic Magick more suited to the "Nomadic" way of life and a more intimate relationship with the Spirits.


August 24 – Hero’s Journey – Bezebel
Description to follow.


August 31 – Spirit Art – Clayton Bowman
Create your own pastel drawing as Clayton Bowman teaches us how to give our Guides/Guardians an outlet to help us help ourselves. No artistic talent required; just an open mind and heart.


September 7 – Advanced Sigils – Eric Friedman
Description to follow.


September 14 – Meditation – Phoenix Willowbloom
Description to follow.


September 21 – Ethical Witchcraft – Bezebel
Description to follow.


September 28 – Arthurian Myth & Magick – Eric Friedman
There are quite a number of covens & other magical groups that have found inspiration and revelation in the lore & legends of King Arthur. The characters of Merlin, Morgan Le Fay, Arthur, & Parsifal; and artifacts such as Excalibur, the Grail & the Round Table are all well-developed archetypes that can be utilized for spiritual inspiration, instruction, and initiation. Several full systems of magical work have been based on the stories of Arthur and Camelot -- an Eternal City with as much potential for spiritual experience as any other Inner Landscape. This class will introduce the student to this landscape, which is a mystical reality that bridges sacred and profane realities, Pagan & Christian symbolism, medieval epic and pop culture iconography, and find their way on their own Inner Quest.


Past classes have included:

The Basics of Dungeons & Dragons, Smudging/Cleansing/Spirits, Pagans 101, Tarot Cards, Meditation/Guided Visualization, Color & Stone Chakra Therapy, Nature Spirituality, Divination, Candles & Candle Color Magick, Palmistry, Soap Making, Deities of the Pantheons, Signs and Spells, Basics of Astronomy, an Introduction to Angels, Drumming 101, Stones & Crystals, Mojo Bags, Staying Positive in a Negative World, and Psychic Self-Defense


Stephen Bergren: Western Illinois University, MA, History. Augustana College, BA, double major: History and Religion with a concentration in Asian Studies. Black Hawk College, History. Currently, semi-retired teaching history online classes. Previously taught history classes at the high school and college level. In the past, worked as a college advisor, international student advisor and upward bound counselor. Yodan, 5th degree black belt in judo. Life member of USA Judo, United States Judo Association and United States Judo Federation. Also studied Aikido and Shinkendo (Japanese swords). Studied different types of meditation for around 15 years and was member of the Satva Center meditation group for 10 years. Studied Shamanic Journeying over 10 years. Some other interests include, history, historiography, comparative religions, philosophy, judo / martial arts. Also enjoy oil painting and drawing, hiking, exercise, studying various topics (i.e., astrology). My philosophy or outlook on life is that we are all on a journey . . . and we are all seekers of knowledge … seeking Truth.

Eric C. Friedman is a Qabalist of both the Traditional Hebrew & Hermetic paths. He discovered Magick at an early age (Runes at age 9, Tarot at 10), studying everything from Witchcraft to Ceremonial Magic of various forms. While pursuing rabbinical studies on Mt. Zion, Jerusalem, Eric was initiated into the study of traditional Hebrew Qabalah. As a 2° Alexandrian Wiccan Priest, Eric is one of the founders of, and an ordained minister in, the Church of Ancient Ways (NY). He is also the founder and former Director of the Long Island Open Circle and the Ancient Ways STL open circle in St. Louis, MO. He is a Past Master of several Masonic bodies and deeply involved in exploring the esoteric aspects of Freemasonry and other Ceremonial systems. Rev. Friedman is the author of the H. P. Lovecraft Tarot, and has had articles published in several esoteric & Masonic journals.

Moon (Carol Mackel) is a mother of 3, high school teacher, yoga teacher, and a Wiccan Priestess. She has been practicing Witchcraft for nearly 30 years. Connecting with others brings her great joy.

Cloud (Michael Lingner) is an ordained 3 rd Degree High Priest of Wicca. He has studied and practiced magick for decades. Cloud has shared his knowledge of ritual craft, contemporary nature religions and magick through classes, seminars, workshops and tutoring. He is pleased to have this opportunity to share his knowledge of sigil craft with you.

From an early age, Rev. Greg Moorman has been able to hear, see and sense other people's guides; allowing him to help others recognize their life-path and find a purpose to the lessons along their way. He has also been able to see people's Auras and work with their energy fields to help balance issues that need some fine tuning in order to remove energetic blockages. Greg has been trained through Sacred Flame Interfaith Monastery and has taught classes on Spiritual Development, Reiki, Energetic Healing, Crystal Therapy, Angelic Therapeutics, and various styles of Divination.

Jessica Jackson-Klockau has been practicing magik since she was a young child. The daughter of a Druid, she has been practicing energy and spirit work, reading tarot, and divining for nearly fifteen years. Together with Lindsey Prine, Jessica has successfully cleansed numerous houses of negative energy and/or entities. She describes her learning process as a mix of intuition, trial and error, and guidance from elders. Jessica is a member of the local pagan band Sentinel Grove.

Rev. Clayton Bowman, DD DM DES DRS, manifested the talents of a Spiritual Intuitive early in life. By the age of 10, he had shown signs of animal empathy, auric sense, telepathy, astral travel and angelic sight. With the guidance of a knowledgeable pastor, Clayton studied the religions of the world; finding the common bonds that connect all faiths through Peace, Love & a Unity with all Life.

Bezebel is a poppet artist, fortune card reader, shimmy dancer, wannabe musician and aspiring herbalist, with a passion for Goddess studies.

Adrienne Freeborn has been interested in the paranormal since her first encounter with the paranormal at the age of 11. At the age of 19, she joined a small paranormal investigation group where she learned a lot of the basic knowledge on the paranormal and hot spots in the area. After that group disbanded, she furthered her knowledge on her own, occasionally going on hunts with other groups and learning from them. Now, she has joined a few friends and created Exspiravit Paranormal Society and is passing on the knowledge from all their combined experience.

Sarah Malaise is a foodie who has been cooking for decades. She likes using wholesome, natural ingredients whenever possible, even growing some of her own herbs. Her second love is Halloween! Since she was old enough to trick or treat, she has loved the magical feeling it brings to her life. Creating, whether with food or arts and crafts, is good therapy for her. Sometimes, she is able to combine the two, such as with her class Halloween Treats!

Lara Paxton: As a young hippy mom, Lara was involved with midwifery, herbs, witchcraft, and bodywork. She spent many years as a doula and massage therapist in Seattle, as well as a trapeze artist in an underground circus. When wearing sequins and doing the splits got old, she decided to pursue a career in healthcare. She returned to school to complete her degree in neurobiology and is currently working on a master of public health with the goal of applying to medical school.

Sarah Tisinger is an energy worker located in the Quad Cities. She is trained in shamanic healing, reiki, Emotional Freedom Techniques/Thought Field Therapy (EFT/TFT) healing, and trauma-informed care. Sarah teaches and heals with the mission that everyone deserves to discover their healthiest, happiest selves.

Tara Wells is a grandma to a growing brood of kiddies that she absolutely adores. She is a hippy at heart who enjoys gardening, hiking, and loves trees. Over the past few years she has experienced a spiritual soul awakening. Becoming AWARE has led to a voracious appetite for knowledge in areas like theology, spirituality, meditation, Jung's Shadow Work, Tantric Buddhism, the Laws of the Universe, and evolving consciousness. She is currently enrolled in courses to become a certified REIKI practitioner. She hopes to help others discover and connect with their inner being, find balance between the self and shadow, heal traumas, and live their purpose joyfully and lovingly.

Ken McMullen is an avid researcher and investigator of all things mysterious. Since early childhood he has had numerous weird experiences which fostered a keen interest in world religions and philosophies, ancient spiritual traditions and wisdom, the paranormal, physics and energy systems, psychology and mental phenomena, the potential of the human mind and the nature of the human spirit. He believes in having an open mind balanced with scientific scrutiny to try to find the most appropriate answer, all in an attempt to truly understand the world we live in.

Stay tuned to the "Events" page as new Events become available!  In addition, Like Us at, and follow us on Twitter @spellboundqc. And by all means, please tell your friends! As we said, we are YOUR store! We hope to become an integral part of the District of Rock Island and the Quad Cities community, but we need your help to do that! So please spread the word! In addition, Spellbound will be holding regular raffles for those who wish to join our e-mail list. Winners will receive such prizes as a free dream analysis or products from the store! See our raffle box and entry forms in person at Spellbound.


Photo of the Spellbound gift shopHours

We are open every Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 am to 5:30 pm

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217 17th Street
Rock Island, IL 61201
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